Executive summary
D31: State-of-the-Art and Current Situation at Public Authorities
The SmartGov project fully entitled as "A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services" commenced on the 1st of February 2002. One of its primary and most important tasks was the investigation of relevant state of the art and the recording of the current situation in the participating Public Authorities.The state of the art review consisted of technical and non-technical work. More specifically the areas reported here include knowledge management platforms for e-services, development environments solutions for e-services, process models for e-services and finally best practises for e-services, all in relation to the public sector.
The main outcome of this review is that although significant advances in all these areas have been realised, there is a clear need for an integrated platform that is based on existing developments and open standards to address the needs of the public sector and that will combine knowledge management aspects with e-services development deployment and operation.
Furthermore the recording of the current situation at the participating Public Authorities indicated that GSIS and CEC have made significant steps towards the realization of e-services and have a commitment to invest heavily in reengineering their organizations for adopting new practices and technologies.
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Last updated: October 2003