News and Activities
SmartGov is the project of the month!
SmartGov has been awarded the honorary title of the Project of the Month. See the related article at may also want to read the article Easier online transactions for e-government from the site.
Demo version of the SmartGov development platform
You may access a demo version of the SmartGov development platform to browse through the
elements that comprise a simple service and get an overall view of the development
environment. The simple service and its development process is described in the "SmartGov Illustrated"
document, accessible from the Results section.
Updated "Results" section
Deliverables D91 (Evaluation of project results) and D13 (Final Project Report), as well as two additional documents ("SmartGov Illustrated" and "Database connectivity for SmartGov services") are available from the Results section.GSIS pilot publicly available
The pilot service of GSIS is publicly accessible through the Ministry of Finance's server. The pilot phase has concluded and the pilot service is no longer available
- A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services,
P. Georgiadis, G. Lepouras, C. Vassilakis, G. Boukis, T. Tambouris, S. Gorilas, E. Davenport,
A. Macintosh, J. Fraser and D. Lochhead,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electronic Government-EGOV 2002, pp. 362-369.
Public transaction services (such as e-forms) although perceived the future of e-government have not
yet realised their full potential. E-forms have a significant role in e-government, as they are the
basis for implementing most of the twenty public services that all member states have to provide to their
citizens and businesses. The aim of the SmartGov project is to specify, develop, deploy and evaluate
a knowledge-based platform to assist public sector employees to generate online transaction services
by simplifying their development, maintenance and integration with already installed IT systems. This
platform will be evaluated in two European countries (in one Ministry and one Local Authority).
This paper outlines key issues in the development of the SmartGov system platform.
- SMARTGOV: A Governmental Knowledge-based Platform for Public Sector Online Services,
E. Tambouris, G. Boukis, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, S. Rouvas, R. Canadas, S. Heredia, J. C. Lopez Usero,
Proceedings of the KMGov2002 Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 23-24, 2002, pp. 173-185.
Public transaction services (such as e-forms), although perceived the future of e-government
have not yet realised their full potential. E-forms have a significant role in e-government,
as they are the basis for realising most of the twenty public services that all European Union
member states have to provide to their citizens and businesses. The aim of this paper is to present
a knowledge-based platform to assist public sector employees to generate online transaction services
by simplifying their development, maintenance and integration with already installed IT systems.
- Towards an Ontology for Electronic Transaction Services,
Nick Adams, John Fraser, Ann Macintosh and Andy McKay-Hubbard,
Tomas Pariente Lobo, Pablo Fernandez Pardo, Rafael Canadas Martinez and Jesus Sobrado Vallecillo
Proceedings of ES 2002, Cambridge, UK, December 2002
In this paper we present an ontology for transaction services built upon
an established ontology for corporate knowledge called the Enterprise Ontology.
We introduce the SmartGov platform for the 'Smart' deployment of online services
for Public Authorities (PAs) whose requirement of a model of PAs has motivated the
ontology, and describe our approach to constructing it. After presenting the ontology we
then relate it to the pilot application areas in which the SmartGov platform will be
trialed and evaluated.
John Fraser, Nick Adams, Ann Macintosh and Andy McKay-Hubbard
Proceedings of the KMGov2003 Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, May 2003
This paper is about the development and use of an ontology of e-government services.
In it, we identify the knowledge required to deliver e-government transaction services
at different stages of maturity. Based on the SmartGov project, we describe the use
of a domain map to assist in knowledge management and motivate the use of an ontology
as a domain map. We describe the development of the e-government service ontology and
give a few examples of its definitions. We explain why the SmartGov project has adopted
taxonomies, derived from the ontology, as its domain map. We highlight issues in
ontology development and maintenance.
- E-forms services for the Public Sector: Shifting Development Effort to Domain Experts,
Stelios GORILAS, Kostas VASSILAKIS, Tomαs Pariente LOBO, Efthimios TAMBOURIS
e-Challenges 2003, Bologna, Italy, October 2003
E-forms have a central role in a significant number of e-government
services. This paper presents a knowledge-based technical platform aiming to assist
public sector employees to generate online transaction services by simplifying their
development, maintenance and integration with installed IT systems. At the heart of
this platform lies the knowledge and transaction services repository. This repository
consists of a number of XML document types that incorporate all necessary details
for creating and managing online transaction services. The main underlying idea is to
provide a platform with intuitive interfaces that can be used directly by domain
experts thus minimising the need for personnel with IT skills. This platform is
currently under development within the IST SmartGov project.
- SmartGov: A Knowledge-Based Design Approach to Online Social Service Creation,
Adams, N.J., Haston, S., Macintosh, A., Fraser, J., McKay-Hubbard, A. and Unsworth, A.
in Bramer, M., Ellis, R., Macintosh, A; (eds.). 'Applications and Innovations in
Knowledge-Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence XI'; Proceedings of AI-2003
the 23rd Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group
on Artificial Intelligence ; Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK, 16th-17th December, 2003
This paper covers the work of the SmartGov project, a collaborative project funded by
the European Commission under their Information Society Technologies (IST) 5th Framework Programme,
as it has been piloted in the Social Work Department in the City of Edinburgh Council.
The most significant innovation of the SmartGov platform, which sets it apart from other recent online service implementations for Public Authorities is its use of the e-government ontology. This enables the staff at the Public Authority to record and categorise expert knowledge that they have accrued about service provision so that it can be disseminated among staff, and where applicable selected knowledge can be made available to the users to assist in their completion of online forms and use of the service. The application described in this paper applies knowledge management techniques using knowledge units and an e-government ontology, to develop and deliver an assessment system for the supply of equipment and adaptations. We describe the building of the SmartGov platform, then detail the deployment in the Equipment and Adaptations service. Finally we consider the performance and evaluation measures for the application.
- Conventional and Electronic Service Delivery Within Public Authorities: The Issues And
Lessons From The Private Sector,
Adams, N., Haston, S., Gillespie,N. and Macintosh, A.
DEXA 2003, the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Government - EGOV 2003; Prague,
Czech Republic, September, 2003
In this paper we compare and contrast the issues of providing conventional against electronic
services within Public Authorities (PAs). We present a model suggesting the three dimensions
to electronic service delivery are motivation, organisation, and technology (the MOT
of service delivery). We observe that the motivations affecting service delivery differ
greatly between PAs and commercial organisations, with PAs having certain obligations and
responsibilities as to the services that they provide that do not constrain commercial
companies. We argue that technologically many lessons learned by commercial organisations
can be immensely valuable to PAs, and conclude that the key barrier to effective electronic
service delivery within PAs is their culture and organisation.
- Models of Trust for Knowledge-based government services,
McKay-Hubbard, A. and Macintosh, A.
DEXA 2003, the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Government - EGOV 2003; Prague,
Czech Republic, September, 2003
This paper draws on current research and from it isolates a framework of trust definitions.
From these definitions models of the trust relationships specific to the implementation of
knowledge management within a governmental organisation are developed. As a foundation for the paper
we address the nature of knowledge, adhering to current accepted definitions of tacit and
explicit knowledge, while introducing a third knowledge type - obscured explicit knowledge.
We argue that this third type is a subtype of explicit knowledge, and has been misidentified
as tacit knowledge. We also argue that this third type is fundamental to the models. We argue
that social acceptance of knowledge management is fundamentally based on trust and subsequently
develop the models that describe the complex trust relationships involved in this acceptance.
- Integrating e-Government Public Transactional Services in the Public Authority Workflow,
Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras, Stathis Rouvas, Panagiotis Georgiadis
Electronic Government J., vol. 1, Inderscience Publications, 2003
Documents submitted by citizens through electronic services deployed in the context of
e-Government must usually undergo processing by some organisational information system,
in order to complete the citizens’ requests and for the reply to be returned to the
citizen. The integration, however, of the e-service delivery platform and the
organisational information system is often hindered for a number of reasons, including
security considerations, platform diversity or idiosyncrasies of legacy information systems.
In this paper we present a generic method for providing seamless communication between the
two platforms, enabling the full integration of documents submitted through electronic
services into the organisational workflow, leveraging thus the quality of services offered
to the citizens and facilitating e-service development and operation.
Last updated: March 2004